Understanding Ethereum P2TR addresses: Is there a sufficient compacted public key?
The Ethereum’s public address system is subject to discussions between developers and researchers. One of the most controversial topics is whether a compacted public key known as the P2TR (registration of the public term) is a completely Ethereum account balance or simply offers a more compact storage.
In this article, we will go into the concept of P2TR address and in their relationship with compacted public keys. To understand the consequences, we will first find out what each component means:
* Public Key : Exclusive series used for cryptographic purposes such as authentication and encryption.
* Compressed Public Key (P2PR) : A shortened public key version that reduces its size by removing certain characters, making it more memorable for storage. The typical length is 32 bytes, but it may vary depending on the specific introduction.
* Public Term Registration (P2TR)
Address: Ethereum Address made of compact public keys, serving as an exclusive identifier and account balance indicator.
Why do P2PR addresses exist?
Andreas introduced the use of compacted public keys in Antonopoulos 2015 to provide users a more effective way to save and manage their Ethereum accounts. By squeezing the public key, developers can reduce the use of memory and facilitate large amounts of data storage.
P2TR addresses are designed to operate this sealing scheme. When the user creates an account or sends funds, it receives an exclusive P2TR address that denotes its public key and balance. The reduced public key is saved with account information, allowing users to recover it in future account balance requests.
Is P2PR addresses enough?
Now let’s check whether a compacted public key address (P2PR) can fully display the Ethereum account balance or simply offer a compact storage solution. The answer lies in the sense that P2TR addresses serve not only storing data; They provide an exclusive indicator and balance indicator.
The P2P address is usually created by the user public key with a cryptographic hash function followed by additional operations to generate a compacted signature (P2PS). This process not only generates an address, but also includes account balance information, such as sender’s identity, transaction history, and more.
The compacted P2Pr address is usually only 32 bytes long, which, although it may seem “short” compared to other public main formats, such as XPR (which can be up to 64 bytes), there is valuable information that allows consultation effectively effectively to consult Balance account. However, this compaction does not reduce the overall memory footprint to zero.
In fact, the P2TR address effectively involves compacted public key and additional metadata that identifies the sender, receiver, business history and more. This metadado can be stored in the database or even transferred to the network if necessary.
While it is true that the use of compacted public keys can lead to shorter storage requirements and potentially improve performance, P2PR addresses are not just solutions for “public keys”. They offer a unique combination of additional encryption, compacting and metadata that allow users to effectively manage their Ethereum accounts and recover account balances.
In short, the answer is no, Ethereum’s address as a P2TR address is not just a compacted public key without its metadata. It serves as a compact storage solution and provides valuable account balance, identity and transactions.