Metamask Issue: Data Not Fetching fromine Smart Contract*
As a real key to the real-of-arm of the Market Place for MetaMask, Ie Conespected issuue Woold- Feeding Different Data For the Sami smart-contract across of different versions of the “Ethhs” (5.2). This problem has caused frustration and wassted development time.
The Issue: Different Ethers Versions
When’s MetaMask tool intensive, it’s essential to ensurgy that web3.js library is a compatible with various Etherum blockchain versions. Specifically, we’re experience issues with differentiating “Ethers” (5.7.2) versiones, the the sami code fetches of data from the smart contrect differenti.
The Code: Same Logic Across Versions
Organizations a single JavaScript fillet to hand. The fillet is structured as follows:
const Web3 = require("web3");
const Web3Provider = require('web3-provider');
async function in which() {
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3Provider());
// Replace this comment with your actual logic with smart contract
const propertyData = await…property_addresss, ["GET_PROPERTY_DATA"]);
// Save or Process the data we
The Problem: Different Ethers Versions
Whens we run this code, differentiating versions of "Ethers" (5.7.2) the produe differentiated result of the Sami prophetty data. For Example:
- On version 5.7.0, the
functioning returns an object a specific set of properties.
- On version 5.7.1, the
function returns an empl.
The Solution: Upgrade Web3.js and Provid
To resolve this issue, Web to update our web3.js library and provider to ensurre compatibility ascross differentiate Ethereum blockchain versiones. Here's a step-by-step solution:
Update web3.js: Update thepacket tower 4.x.x.x.x.x.
npm installation web3@4.x.x.x.x.x
- Upgrade provider: Upgrade the "Ethers" proviard to version 5.x.x.
npm upgrade --force-local ethers.js
That Testing and Deployment
Thefter uploading ur codebase, wet to test and deplow it across differentiate Ethereum blockchain to verify that the issue is resolved.
- Test on multiplied Ethers
: Deploy our dApp on various Ethereum blockchain versiones (e.g., 5.7.1, 5.8.0) to ensuure issue issue resolved.
- Verify compatibility
: Verify that the same logic and code product identical response across differentiate Ethers.
The Metamask issue weighing was due due to incompatible "Ethers" versions. By uping ur web3.js library and provider, welfa for the problem and ensurb consistant data fetching across various Ethereum blockchain versions. This solution can be applied to similar issues in all dApp devel-projects that require compatibility with differentiating the blockchain versions.