I can guide it by creating an HTTP server with the Java Web3J library to interact with the RopSten test network. This is how you can do it:
Io.web3j.procol.core.methods.esponsa.ettransaction Rescue;
Public class RopStenhttsyrver {
Private Static Final String Host = "Ropsten.infura.io";
Private Final Port Int = 8545; // Predetermined port for Infura
Public Static Void Main (String [] args) {
Customer = new customer ("https: //" + host + ":" + port);
// Set the application parameters
Web3reQuestwarts params = new web3requestpams ()
.Sethost (host)
.Setport (port);
if (args.length> 0 &&! args [0]. Startswith ("-") {
System.out.println ("Use: Java Ropstenhttsyrver
System.exit (1); // Come with the error code
While (True) {
To try {
// Obtain a list of transactions sent on the other account in Ropsten
// Process the transaction response
for (Txlist transaction: txlist) {
System.out.println (Tx);
} Catch (rpcexception e) {
System.out.println (e.getMessage ());
To try {
Hilt.sleep (100); // Sleep for 1 second before re -check
} Catch (interruption ex) {
System.out.println ("interrupted during sleep:" + Ex);
Note: Next:
with your real address of the Ethereum account.
8545to the work space URL and the predetermined port for the Ropsten test network (which is 8545).
To compile this Java program, guide it in a file calledRopStenhtsyr.java, and then run it using the following command:
Javac Ropstenhtpsyrver.java -cp ".
Java -e Output.jar
Replace the