Analysis of passing message: Solana Typeerr canot read the properity of indefinite
Typeerr errors: Currently the prospects of non-current (reading “species”) s as a comprehensive in programming SOLA, waxe the species property the accessible to an an object zero or indefinite. In this case, this haps of you are trying to set the parameter of method’s method’ Program ().
Understanding the error
To remedy the mistake in this problem, let’s go to the destruction whaps:
Possible rears
There seral reassures why this canns:
* There is no imporation declaration : The idl’ object is not imported or defined sunwhere in the code.
* Undefined methodod
: The method 'Program () is the s not cater correspoons, which leads to an indefinite value’ IDL’.
* Type of discrepancy : The ‘Cind’t propetty is not provid to the site 'IL'.
suckested alones
To resolve this problem, you can try the folling:
: Make supret the method ‘)' method corresk correectly called correcectragers, the parameter of parameter.
Suple code
Y Typescript
Import {Program} of ‘Solana/Web3.js’;
const myd mydl = {
Type: “program”,
// … Other properies …
CONST IDL = New Program (MyIDL);
Idlprogram ()
In thig exam, detfining the ‘idl’ with the ‘Kind’ property and hand it over to the Program () ‘method. The ‘Idl programming () is autorize the function of saccessful.
The “Typeerror: cant read the prospects of a neopaeized (reading” type “) the caused by the caused by import or incorrect change cat that’s the project to the “) method. By checking the project symptoms and tipets you’re personal hole of the course of the case of the probedly and correspondence.